Applicants fill out and submit a completed “Sign Up Form” on the website. The submitted application is captured and stamped with the date and time received. The applicant will be thanked by an auto generated response from the website Mid to late June the applicant will be notified of information meetings that will help you decide if you want to work with us or not. We will contact the applicants via email and telephone to inform them of the information meeting. Place and time for these information meetings will also be posted on the website in the “News” tab. Please visit the website often. There will be various information meetings to accommodate as many as possible applicants but the applicant only needs to attend one meeting. These meetings will be scheduled for late June and possibly 1st week in July. The work will start sometime in the 2nd or 3rd week of July. However, depending on the weather, work could start earlier or later. The work will last 3 to 4 weeks generally. The job is located in Chatham-Kent and work starts at the firs field of the day and ends at the last field of the day. Free optional transportation is available to the first field of the day and from the last field of the day. You do not have to take the free transportation to get to the field. Applicants will be hired in the following manner; applicants with experience and then applicants who have no experience but attended an information meeting. We will contact applicants via email and telephone to inform them of the start date if they are hired. Please visit the website often for updates.
Hopefully You will be part of our Team.